The best way to prepare food

There is an ancient saying “first appearance, second skin” which shows that skin is very important in attracting the opposite person. For people who are prone to acne, they need to have a reasonable lifestyle and diet. Eating nourishes the body from the inside so it has a positive impact on your health, especially your skin will be smooth, healthy and visibly beautiful if you regularly use the foods below.

In your daily menu, in addition to eating lots of vegetables and drinking lots of water to keep your skin moisturized, you need to provide vitamins and minerals for your body to absorb, metabolize and promote digestion.

Important vitamins as well as top 10 super foods to pay attention to for beautiful skin that you should know:

Vitamin A: very important in deciding whether your skin has acne or not thanks to its ability to minimize the amount of sebum secreted.

Vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acid): protects, creates elasticity and helps smooth skin. Found in many vegetable oils such as soybean oil, peanut oil, and sesame oil.

Vitamin E: helps skin become smooth and rosy. Vitamin C restores damage to tissues and epidermis.

Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 help improve acne-damaged skin. Mineral: zinc helps reduce oily skin and prevent acne.


Dill contains many valuable nutrients for the body such as minerals Ca, Mg, Fe and vitamins A, C, D, B12. Contains antibacterial and anti-aging properties for the skin.


Turmeric is a natural remedy against bacteria and toxins inside the body. Its anti-inflammatory and skin-lightening properties will be most effective when you regularly use turmeric in your daily dishes. You will see surprising results. The famous La Vong grilled fish dish is a delicious dish that uses both of the above foods: dill and turmeric; is suggested to be rich in nutrients and minerals that are good for your health and skin.


Contains many omega 3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties, reducing the inflammation of acne. Salmon is often used in Japanese dishes such as sushi, sashimi, and bento

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